Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The 5 Main Fluencies of The 21st Century Learning

This article is entitled " 21st Century Fluencies" and is basically based on Crockett et al.'s book Literacy is Not Enough. The main argument in this paper is that 21st century fluencies are process skills that students need in order to thrive in a rapidly changing world. These process skills include things such critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, and innovation to mention but a few.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Nietzsche's 10 Rules for Writers

Between August 8 and August 24 of 1882, Friedrich Nietzsche set down ten stylistic rules of writing in a series of letters to the Russian-born writer, intellectual, and psychoanalyst Lou Andreas-Salomé. Those stylistic rules are found here.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

21 Clever Writing Prompts That Will Unleash Your Students’ Creativity

21 Clever Writing Prompts That Will Unleash Your Students’ Creativity

10 Quick and Easy Ways to Develop a Strong Classroom Community

10 Quick and Easy Ways to Develop a Strong Classroom Community - Here are 10 quick and easy ways to increase the sense of community within your own classroom.

10 Thought-Provoking TED Talks by Writers

10 thought-provoking TED Talks by writers.

Research and Citation Tools for Students

These picks will show students how to go beyond Google to find credible, usable scholarly resources. This list collects the top-rated tools for collecting, annotating, and citing trusted resources ready-made for research papers and projects.

Our Tools Shape Us

We create tools. Our inventions are everywhere, from important ones like the wheel to impractical ones like the pet rock. As silly as some inventions may seem, what's no laughing matter is that tools play a significant role in society. Tools shape society and us.

50 Resources For Teaching With iPads

50 Resources For Teaching With iPads

12 Ways to Motivate Reluctant Readers

12 Ways to Motivate Reluctant Readers

A Video Guide to Cornell Note-Taking System

A helpful tutorial on how to take Cornell notes. ... College Note Taking Tips and Backpack Essentials!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Apple Curates the Education Category of App Store Specifically for Teachers and Schools

Apple curates the Education category of App Store specifically for teachers and schools: #ADEChat
— Jenny Grabiec  (@techgirljenny)

*Link will prompt opening of iTunes and will direct you to education section.

Classroom Management Strategies

Classroom Management Learn strategies for building positive, compassionate classroom communities that engage learners, and find and exchange tips for coping with disruptive behaviors and managing distraction.

9 Great iPad Apps to Grow and Manage Your Personal Learning Network

9 Great iPad Apps to Grow and Manage Your Personal Learning Network - #ipaded #edapps #edchat
— WeAreTeachers (@WeAreTeachers) 

10 Best Apps for Note Taking Android (android) | AppCrawlr

10 Best Apps for Note Taking Android (android) | AppCrawlr

How to Write Better Emails [infographic]

How to Write Better Emails [infographic]

The 4-Step Guide To Critical Thinking Skills

What is Critical Thinking? (Explained with Great Videos)

What is Critical Thinking?

What is Critical Thinking? (Explained with Great Videos)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Teaching Fact vs. Opinion at Every Grade Level

PBS LearningMedia Teacher Review (87,000 PBS Clips)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

Create A Unique Google Forms URL For Each Student

Google Forms allows you to pre-populate the fields of the Form. This means you can create a unique URL that when someone clicks on that link some of the boxes will be filled out already.

Video tutorial is presented at the bottom of this page link.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

40 Ways To Make Time For Creativity In Your Lesson Plans

Best Tools & Clever Ideas For QR Codes